Universal Weather and Aviation (Booth I64) continues to expand its U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reimbursable services program. In June last year, Universal became the first trip-planning provider to be accepted into the program that allows it to request and pay for CBP overtime services at approved U.S. entry ports where the hours of operation are limited.
“Many operators continue to plan their schedules around outdated time constraints, such as wrapping up meetings early in Europe to rush to the airport and arrive in Los Angeles before midnight,” said Laura Everington of Universal’s global regulatory services division. “Our RSP program transforms this approach, allowing flights from overseas to directly reach their preferred destination on their preferred schedule, rather than being bound by CBP’s designated hours.”
The company announced 19 new locations in its latest tranche, among them Orlando International Airport in Florida; George Bush International and San Antonio International in Texas; Pittsburgh International; Minneapolis-St. Paul International; and Michigan’s Gerald R. Ford International Airport. This brings the number of airports in the company’s program to 65.