Aviation-only job website JSfirm.com (Booth 11244) recently added the National Gay Pilots Association (NGPA) as a partner of its job distribution network. Other partners include California Aeronautical University, Flyosk, Aviators and Hot Line. Network partners offer available jobs directly from JSfirm.com on their websites.
“Partnering with JSfirm.com made it simple to incorporate jobs onto NGPA’s website without reinventing the wheel,” said NGPA executive director David Pettet. “This partnership enhances the user experience for our online visitors by allowing them to see industry jobs in real time.”
JSfirm.com enables visitors to search for available jobs in the aviation industry. These jobs include maintenance, engineering, pilots, accounting, flight attendants and line service positions. While job seekers can post resumes, employers can scan these resumes and post job descriptions.
“NGPA has been a great addition to our growing list of job distribution partners,” said Jeff Richards, operations manager for JSfirm.com. “We are excited to see what the future has in store for the partnership between NGPA and JSfirm.com.”